Harrell's Precision Full Length Sizing Die Notes (6mm PPC)

Send 2 to 3 fired cases 3x fired to Harrell's for the correct Full Length Sizing Die.

The Dies are numbered from 0 to 3 in half increments (ie - a 2.5 die would size 2.5 thou less than the original brass).

The No 2 Die is fairly standard.

Use a Harrell's No. 3 if you are getting tight brass (ie - 3 thou under sized).

Notes - A Redding small base dies sizes the base of the brass similar to a No 2 Harrell Die.

The same Redding small base die sizes the shoulder area more than the Harrell No 2.

The standard Redding 6PPC USA die sizes the base less than the No 2 Harrell but sizes the shoulder area more, similar to the Redding small base die. 

Redding Stock # 77211 is a small-base Full-Length Die which accepts bushings

Redding Stock # 74317 is a small-base body die only


Lynwood & Walter Harrell
5756 Hickory Drive
Salem, VA 24153
Phone: (540) 380-2683




Custom Die Manufacturers

Neil Jones Custom Products   www.neiljones.com

JLC Precision - Jim Carstensen

Newlon Precision - Troy Newlon   www.Newlonprecision.com